In today’s world of technology, we’re overwhelmed with options when it comes to dating. Choosing what will work best for you will depend on what kind of dating you’re looking for. That’s why we took the time to list out the differences between choosing matchmaking versus online dating apps.

Matchmaking Service

Are you looking for the real deal instead of an endless array of mediocre dates? Then matchmaking could be your answer! Here are 3 reasons why you should consider matchmaking over a dating app:

1 – It’s a personalized experience

A matchmaking service is personal and caters to your needs. Unlike an app, you don’t merely throw your face online and cross your fingers. Your personal matchmaker will talk with you, get to know you, and take the time to understand what you’re looking for or not looking for in a relationship.

2- There’s an added level of safety

If safety is a concern, then a matchmaking service could help put your mind at ease. A matchmaker has to take the time to interview their clients, which means there’s a more vigorous pre-screening process. Think about it: Anyone can sign up for a profile on a dating app and grossly misrepresent themselves just to get a date. A matchmaker is like a gatekeeper – they have the power to say “no” if they sense a potential client could be a fraud or in it for the wrong reason.

3 – It trims the fat

Paying for a service like matchmaking “trims the fat,” so to speak. When people pay for a service they have more skin in the game. And they’re going to be serious about dating and finding their life partner. If someone is just looking to “play around” they’re not going to spend money on a matchmaker – no way, no how! Also, with a matchmaker, they do the work for you and you don’t need to waste endless hours swiping through profiles just to get one date.

Dating Apps

While dating apps serve their purpose and may be well-intentioned, they come with their own unique set of problems. Here’s 3 factors to consider before you push “download” on that dating app:

1 – Dating apps give you too many choices

Yes, there’s such a thing as too many choices! Dating apps provide too much eye candy and not enough substance. It’s easy to get lost in all of the photos, and it becomes much harder to focus on making a real connection with someone when you keep getting distracted by the infinite profiles of attractive singles. You get stuck in the “what’s around the corner” syndrome, which could prevent you from finding real love.

2 – Limited safety measures

If safety is a concern, then you might want to stay off the dating apps. There’s no real vetting process for most apps out there, which means anyone can create a profile and start swiping! Lots of people misrepresent themselves, and even go to the extent of putting up a fake picture, just to get a date. When you head out to meet Mr. Wonderful, do you really know who you’re meeting? And whether they’re going to be a respectful date? It’s a game of chance.

3- Low Cost

While the low-cost of dating apps is appealing at first, you have to remember the flipside: when something is free then anyone can join. And furthermore, lots of these apps are free, but cost money if you want access to the full-features and upgrades. Plus, think about all the hours you spend on the apps – when you could be doing other things! Time is money. Wouldn’t you rather be spending your time doing the things you love, instead of trying to find your next date?


In conclusion, dating apps have their place. If a lot of dates over a short amount of time is what you’re looking for—and the potential risks are worth it to you—then a dating app could perfectly well meet your needs.

But, if carefully thought-out, curated, personalized matches are more your cup of tea, then steer clear of those apps, and have a consultation with a matchmaking expert instead.

Platinum Poire is an elite matchmaking service catering to sophisticated singles and celebrity matchmaking in NYC. We serve those who aren’t interested in warehouse style dating, where the options are many, but true matches are few. Contact us today at and let’s get you matched with the love of your life.