We all know that couple that seems to have it all together, and together they have it all. Do fairytale romances really exist? Probably not—but great matches that insist on making it last do. Let’s explore the qualities of couples that last to gain an understanding of what to look for in a partner.

An Unbreakable Trust

Trust is the foundation of any relationship. Once it’s broken, the chance of a couple rebuilding that trust and going the distance drastically drops.

Trust gives us the freedom to be ourselves and enjoy life without worrying about what our partner is doing when we aren’t around. For couples that last, there is confidence in each other and a vulnerability without fear. Trust is a beautiful gift.

Clear and Open Communication

A common quality of couples that last is excellent communication with each other.

These couples don’t keep secrets or hold in feelings to spare their significant other. Instead, thanks to the trust they build, they openly and honestly share their thoughts, ideas, and emotions without fear of judgement. If you cannot talk openly, then feelings begin to get bottled up, and eventually this could damage or end a relationship.

Ability to Have Fun

Couples that last have friends, but they don’t need them to have fun— they are great at having fun together.

Laughter is their medicine and a trait that others notice and envy. We all need a partner with whom we can let our guard down and just be silly. Don’t settle for a boring relationship. Choose someone who makes you laugh for the rest of your life.

Empathy and Kindness

Life often gets in the way, and things happen beyond our control. Business ventures fail, someone becomes ill, or we feel down for no reason other than it was just a bad day. Hard times are unavoidable.

An excellent quality of couples that last is their ability to put themselves in each other’s shoes. Maybe one person has a bad day at work and their partner notices, so a reservation is quickly made at a favorite restaurant, followed by a text that reads, “meet me in an hour.”

They say nice things not because they have to but because they want to. It’s that thoughtfulness and kind gestures where empathy shines through.

Respectful of Boundaries

It’s interesting how couples who last truly enjoy each other’s company, yet they also know how to enjoy their alone time just as much. This stems from the reality that we can’t truly love others if we don’t first love ourselves.

Couples that last each have their own individual identity, rather than insisting one becomes just like the other. There is confidence in each partner, which stems from their well-built trust, empathy and kindness, and pure joy from being together.

In conclusion, for any relationship to last, both partners need to put in work. Couples that last forever aren’t simply made—they’re created through purposeful thoughts and actions.

At Platinum Poire, we believe in quality matchmaking, which is why we created high-end dating services in NYC for New York’s most elite singles. Contact us and let’s find your other half, making you a couple that lasts.