Entrepreneurs face unique challenges when seeking a romantic relationship. If they’re not careful, they may end up married to their career rather than a partner. Don’t sacrifice success and admirable goals in order to find true love. Instead, follow our top dating tips for entrepreneurs and find the understanding, life partner you deserve.

Unrealistic Expectations

It’s no secret that successful entrepreneurs are highly driven and motivated in a way that is different from your average person. Building your own wealth and company comes with its own unique set of challenges and hurdles that most people will not experience nor understand. An entrepreneur takes risks and must be extremely confident, as they are constantly making important decisions.

As you date, it’s important to keep in mind that although you should aspire for a relationship with someone else who takes success seriously, you may not find someone with the same entrepreneurial spirit.

It’s important to note that a good romantic match doesn’t necessarily mean you both have to have the same business goals, however. What matters more is that you both respect each other’s business aspirations and lend support however you can.

Seek a Supportive Partner

An entrepreneur needs support from the one they love. Be upfront from the beginning when meeting someone. You should convey clearly that your business is a big part of your life, and long hours and a 24/7 work mentality comes with the territory. If you are upfront, it will save you and your date a lot of time down the road.

Also, the conversation about your needs should be done gently and kindly, and at least within the first couple of dates. It’s important to explain to your date that you have certain needs because of your unique and successful lifestyle. Ultimately, if it isn’t something that they can handle it is best that you both walk away from the relationship before feelings get deep-rooted.

An entrepreneur needs a partner who doesn’t roll their eyes when they discuss their business, as they are usually very passionate about what they’re doing and want to share that excitement with their significant other.

Save Time

This is possibly the most important take-away when it comes to dating tips for entrepreneurs: save time however you can, so you can work on both your business and relationship goals without any additional stress.

As an elite single, you deserve better than a dating app which offers you an unrealistic number of choices. Furthermore, most of those choices will waste your Saturday night, as many people are on dating apps “just for fun”.

Why not instead consider a professional matchmaking service that is better suited towards working with business-minded people? As your matchmaker gets to know you, you’ll no longer have to waste time hunting for dates. They will do the hunting for you and do it very selectively, so that you do not have to spend one more night on a bad date with zero potential.

Also, another way to save time is to let matches off the hook early on if you can sense that it will be a waste time for you both. There is no sense setting up a second date when you feel no connection. Your date will appreciate you being honest so they can also move on.

Mixing Business With Pleasure

There can be a temptation to seek other entrepreneurs, assuming only they will understand your needs. However, doing so really limits your options when it comes to your dating pool.

Rather than being pessimistic, expecting no one but another entrepreneur to understand you, give other successful people a chance. Many successful people are passionate about their career and will relate quite well to your desires and goals.

When you are out on a date, get to know each other and share success stories, but don’t let business consume the evening. It can be a turn-off if business talk goes on too long, so remember to keep the conversation light and fun too.

Platinum Poire is your elite matchmaking service in NYC, offering successful entrepreneurs discreet and understanding matchmaking services.